Adjusted from a webtoon of a similar name, "A Superior Day" is an exhilarating series presently broadcasting on link network OCN. The show spins around fireman Lee Ho Chul, an ideal spouse and father who abruptly got hauled into a chronic homicide case. At some point, he out of nowhere gotten a text that said: "I will tell you who the chronic killer is", before a similar number arranged him to kill somebody in 24 hours, or, more than likely his little girl would be gone. As the crowd, we get to follow Ho Chul and his excursion to track down this killer and safeguard his loved ones.

Broadcasting on OCN, an organization that represents considerable authority in dim and vicious series, "A Superior Day" is no exemption. Nonetheless, notwithstanding having respectable composition, the show is in no way, shape or form an effective one. It debuted to a rating of 1.045% in episode 1, rose marginally to 1.178% in episode 2, preceding dropping to 0.8-0.9% until the end of the ride. Right now, 6 out of 8 episodes have broadcasted, yet there is no possibility for better viewership later on.